It's history with the nasty bits left in! Want to know. Why llamas wore earrings and drank beer? How a bucket of stewed pee can make you beautiful? Why servants ate the emperor's hair? Discover all…
Want to know: If you would make a good bodysnatcher? What the Georgians did with squashed fish eyes? Who wore false eyebrows made from mouse skin? Discover all the foul facts about the Gorgeous Geo…
Want to know: Why burglars were scared of bogies? Which poet said he ate an ape? How a snick fadger might kiddy-nap your spangle? Discover all the foul facts about the Villanious Victorians
All the foul facts about the Measly Middle Ages are ready to uncover, including why chickens had their bottoms shaved, a genuine jester's joke and what ten-year-old treacle was used for...